
Softball Booster Meetings
Posted on 11/06/2024
Posted on 11/06/2024
If you are interested in attending the softball booster meetings please see the information below. Go COBRAS!
Tue. Nov. 12th 7-8pm Phase 3 Room 305 Parent/Player meeting
Tue. Dec. 10th 7-8pm CHS Cafeteria
Tue. Jan. 7th 7-8pm CHS Cafeteria
Tue. Feb. 11th 7-8pm CHS Cafeteria
Tue. March 11th 7-8pm Phase 3 Room 305
Tue. April 8th 7-8pm Phase 3 Room 305
Tue. May 6th 7-8pm Phase 3 Room 305
Tue. June 10th 7-8pm Phase 3 Room 305