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Athletic & Extracurricular Transportation Policy

TRANSPORTATION OPT-OUT FORM: Click here for to complete transportation opt-out form

PCCS Board of Education Policy:


(FIELD TRIP transportation is governed by Policy 2340. All overnight travel is subject to Policy 2340.)


Transportation to and from all District athletic events and extracurricular activities may be provided by the District if the District determines it is able to provide such transportation. The District’s ability to provide transportation may be limited by the availability of vehicles, drivers, scheduling considerations, or other factors. When District transportation is not available, parents or guardians will be responsible for providing transportation for athletic events and extracurricular activities. The coach or activity sponsor will provide information regarding the level of transportation provided by the District for any given event.

  1. District Provided Transportation

    For District provided transportation, the following shall apply:

    1. At least one (1) staff member, coach, activity sponsor, or adult chaperone will ride in the vehicle with students to provide adult supervision, unless all conditions detailed in the Administrative Guidelines implementing this Policy are met, as determined by the Superintendent or designee. All potential volunteers are subject to statutory requirements regarding background checks.

    2. Upon return to the District, the staff member, coach, activity sponsor or adult chaperone shall remain with the students while they are waiting for rides home.

    3. All students shall ride in the approved vehicle to and from each activity. Where the District provides transportation, no student is permitted to drive himself or herself. Any requests for exemptions to this policy must be made in writing by the student’s parent or guardian to the Superintendent or his or her designee at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of said trip or event. Requests will be granted or denied at the discretion of the Superintendent or his or her designee. If any exemption is granted, a waiver must be signed by the parent(s) of the involved pupil(s).

  2. Parent/Guardian Provided Transportation

    If parents or guardians provide transportation to and/or from an athletic or extracurricular activity, allow another adult to provide transportation to and/or from an athletic or extracurricular activity, or allow their son or daughter to transport himself or herself to or from an athletic or extracurricular activity, the following shall apply:

    1. Where parents or guardians provide transportation for their son or daughter to or from an athletic or extracurricular activity, the parents or guardians shall assume all resulting liability, and the school shall assume no liability.

    2. Where parents or guardians allow another adult to provide transportation home from an athletic or extracurricular activity, the parents or guardians shall assume all resulting liability and the school shall assume no liability.

    3. Where parents or guardians allow a student transport himself or herself to or from an athletic or extracurricular activity, the parents or guardians of that student shall assume all resulting liability, and the school shall assume no liability.

  3. Definitions

    For purposes of this policy, "extracurricular activities" shall be those activities, other than overnight travel, which are sponsored or approved by the Board but are not offered for credit. Such activities shall generally be conducted outside the regular school day, available to students who voluntarily elect to participate, marked by student participation in the processes of initiation, planning, organizing and execution and shall ordinarily include but are not limited to Marching Band, clubs, dramatic or musical presentations.

  4. Consequences for Violation

    Violations of this policy will subject the violating student to discipline pursuant to Board Policy 5600.

Revised 5/26/15

© Neola 2017